maandag 26 september 2011


Geachte klant,

Ter bescherming van uw rekeningen, we automatisch in de slaapstand uw online toegang tot wanneer uw Meld u aan gegevens zijn ingevoerd ten onrechte meerdere malen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.
Om terug te komen in de dienst kunt u snel uw gegevens opnieuw in te stellen en gemakkelijk via onze online opnieuw instellen.

Onze excuses voor het ongemak

Maak gebruik van de hyperlink hieronder om uw internetbankieren toestand te herbevestigen

Afdeling internetbankieren,

Adrian Ng

woensdag 14 september 2011

For some security reasons

Attention: Beneficiary,

We wish to inform you that the United Nations Organization (UN)
has taking over the Inheritance/Winning payment issue in which
you presently have with your transaction agents. Your funds were
withdrawn by UN on your behalf based on the fact that you where
subjected to too many process that will make you spend more
money before receiving your funds.

Your Inheritance/Winning payment was paid out to the United
Nations Organization, and they have succeeded in depositing your
funds with Western Union. They have ordered Western Union to
take full responsibility in the transfer process of your funds,
Western Union have received your application for the first
installment of $5,600.00 USD from the total amount of
$980,000.00 USD, Nine Hundred and Eighty Thousand United States

For some security reasons, we need you to reconfirm your personal

Full Names**
Contact Address**
Telephone Number**

Before receiving the MTCN# for the first installment, and we will
email you others after 24 hours of receiving each payment.

Yours truly
Dr. Francisco Xavier

Willing to help??

My dear One,
My name is Mr. Ben Kossi, the Secretary to the incumbent Government Mr.Laurent Gbagbo president of Cote d Ivory in West Africa, I have funds 800,000.00 US dollars, in my possession which the president handed over tome to pay inn before the political crises. I want to move this fund(s) that where about to be moved into federal government account because there is no ownership to the fund(s). All I need from you is your interest to be my foreign partner so that things will be done with cordial relationship, equity and rationality.

I have a plan to load the fund in ATM MASTER CARDS and send them to you through bank so that the fund will be withdrawn from the card on daily basis until we have the last cent, otherwise using any other method will involve a lot of processes that will eventually not come to an end like getting several certificates, payments of insurance fee(s), then using diplomats and lots more. If you assure me of your partnership I will show you the simple way this can be done and in less than five days we will celebrate.

Mr.Ben Kossi

Als u geïnteresseerd bent vriendelijk antwoord

FROM: Mr. Peter Wong Tung Shun
(Managing Director)

Hang Seng Bank Limited                                                                                                   

83 Des Voeux Road, Central                                                                                  

Hong Kong SAR.

Beste Vriend, 

Het is begrijpelijk dat je misschien een beetje ongemakkelijk, want ik ken je niet, maar ik heb een lucratieve business voorstel voor een wederzijds belang om met u te delen. Ik heb de link op de zoektocht naar iemand die voldoet aan stel ik een zakelijke relatie. 
Ik ben de heer Peter Wong Shun Tung Managing Director bij de Hang Seng Bank hier Limited in Hong Kong, ik heb een Business of (22,5 miljoen dollar) voor u te behandelen met mij en mijn partners van de bank bank. Mijn collega's van de boekhouding, die toevallig ook een account manager zijn ook, net gaf me richtlijn om te zoeken en een nabestaanden voor te dragen voor deze fondsen 
Ik heb uw gegevens kreeg van, want we wilden echt zeker te zijn van wie we te maken met om te voorkomen dat zaken doet elk bedrijf met iemand die we niet weten niets over. Let u dat dit een DEAL door ons als bestuur deze bank, dus het moet vertrouwelijk worden behandeld. Totdat we met succes overgezet deze middelen uit van onze bank naar uw opgegeven bankrekening. Zodat we nt alles doen wat onze status zou kunnen aantasten of de jouwe doen. 
We zijn van plan om deze fondsen het buitenland te investeren in een levensvatbaar bedrijf, en dat is waarom wij contact met u persoonlijk, want we vermoeden dat u zou zijn in de beste positie om ons te leiden door, en je bent geschikt voor een partner in deze transactie. 
Ik zal u verdere details over de manier waarop we kunnen gaan over dit hele proces, zoals wij hoger personeel in de bank, dus we hebben alle modaliteiten in de plaats, We hebben je nodig om op te staan als de nabestaanden en de enige begunstigde van deze fondsen . Dus er is helemaal niets aan de hand omdat deze transactie is 100% risico vrij en oprecht. 
Op de succesvolle aanschaf van de fondsen, die u zendt 75% voor ons en 20% voor je. Terwijl 5% zou gereserveerd zijn voor de afwikkeling van eventuele kosten die alle partnerlanden maken in deze transactie. 
Als u geïnteresseerd bent vriendelijk antwoord:

Dank U.

Mr. Peter Wong Tung Shun 
(Managing Director) 

Hang Seng Bank Limited 

83 Des Voeux Road,
Hong Kong SAR.

woensdag 7 september 2011

Willekeurige Bonus Clicker

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

Van: Emma Rotmensen [] 

Verzonden: woensdag 7 september 2011 4:32

Onderwerp: {Spam?} Gefeliciteerd, je hebt zojuist meer tegoed op uw account...

Geachte deelnemer,

Gefeliciteerd, werden jij en 4 andere personen willekeurig geselecteerd om dezeweek de top vrije bonussen te ontvangen - geen storting nodig.
Elke keer dat u klikt op de 'Random Bonus Clicker' te klikken, krijgt u een nieuwebonus. Hoe meer je klikt hoe meer je krijgt:


Voor meer gratis no deposit bonussen klik hier

Win & Enjoy,

Emma Rotmensen 
Prize Department Manager
U heeft gekregen deze e-mail omdat uw e-mailadres is reeds aangemeld bij onsupdates te ontvangen.

Boundry House, PO BOX 379, Road Town, Tortola, BVI

Afmelden voor onze mailing lijst klik hier

maandag 5 september 2011

Please Read (It IS Very Important)

I got your reliable contact from your country’s Chamber of Commerce Directory and further explicit investment information about your country. I am Prince Fayad B.S. Bolkiah, the son of Prince Jefri Bolkiah, former Finance Minister of Brunei, the tiny oil-rich sultanate on the Gulf Island

I will save your time by not amplifying my extended royal family history, which has already been disseminated by the international media during the controversial dispute that erupted between my Father and his step brother, the sultan of Brunei Sheik Muda Hassanal Bolkiah.
As you may know from the international media, the sultan had accused my father of financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8 Billion dollars. This was as a result of the Asian financial crisis that made my father's company Amedeo Development Company and government owned Brunei Investment Company to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in office. However my father was kept under house arrest, his bank accounts and private Properties including a crude oil export refinery were later confiscated by the sultanate.
Furthermore during this unfortunate period, I was advised to evacuate my immediate family outside the sultanate to avoid further prosecution from the sultan and his security operatives, but before I could do that I was placed under house arrest by the Sultan and have no access to a phone but I have a Palm hand-held computer from which I am sending you this mail.
Some of the guard here are still loyal to me, so they would be my contact with you if there is any document I need to send to you.

Before my incarceration, I went ahead to moved the sum of Thirty Million United States Dollars (US$30,000,000.00) in cash under special arrangement into the custody of a private Security and Trustee company in London for safe keeping. Just like an unspecified amount of money Former President Sadam Husseine took out of Iraq in cash.
Hence I seek your good assistance to invest the fund into profitable investment in your country to facilitate future survival for my family abroad. I have decided to offer 20% of the fund to you as compensation for your strong cooperation while 5% have been mapped out for both local and international expenses that may be incurred during this transaction while you will keep the balance of the 75% for me and my family till my lawyer meets with you.
Please I count on your absolute Confidentiality, Transparency and Trust while looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift conclusion of this business transaction.
You may contact me so that I will let you know the next thing to do.

May Allah's blessing remains with you.

I remain yours sincerely.

Prince Fayad.S. Bolkiah.

You can visit the websites below for a better understanding of the situation.

Secret Powers

Datum: 4 september 2011 12:32:45 GMT+02:00
Antwoord aan:

Has anything ever bothered you in life? Do you have any problem you need to solve? A pending court case you want to resolve in your favor? Health, relationship and finance. I am a spiritualist.
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