zondag 19 augustus 2012

Ik moet uw partnerschap.

Jan Yiu janyiu01@ymail.com


ik moet uw partnerschap:

Ik ben contact met u op deze manier als gevolg van de noodzaak en de urgentie van deze transactie. Ik ben een manager van een bank in China en een financieel adviseur van Staten voor particuliere investeerder in mijn Bank.

De transactie betrekking heeft op een grote storting totaal 17,3 miljoen dollar (17 miljoen, drie honderd duizend dollars van de V.S.) van de klant van een dood zonder eventuele nabestaanden of zal van testerment.

Ik verzeker u dat deze transactie 100% risicoloos is en legaal in overeenstemming met de wetten van het land geschiedt.

Zodra ik een antwoord krijgt van de vermelding van uw belangstelling, ik u zal geven volledige details van deze transactie en delen zullen 50% / 50%.

Neem contact met mij op mijn privŠ¹ e-mail voor vragen en verduidelijkingen.

Met vriendelijke groet

dinsdag 7 augustus 2012

Ik verdrievoudig al jouw stortingen vandaag.

Van: David Steel <no-reply@ex-cel.co.uk>
Datum: 6 augustus 2012 09:27:17 GMT+02:00
Aan: aardeman@casema.nl
Kopie: leosan@casema.nl, kroemiranda@casema.nl, phmwit@casema.nl, j.groeneboom@casema.nl, nic@casema.nl, hamel0@casema.nl
Onderwerp: Ik verdrievoudig al jouw stortingen vandaag


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Mijn aanbod is twee keer zo groot als wat normaal wordt gestuurd, dus ik kan het maar voor een korte tijd beschikbaar stellen. Mis het aanbod niet - bezoek S.P. Casino vandaag.

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David Steel

Casino Manager

Als je geen verdere e-mails wilt ontvangen, klik dan hier:

Good News.

Good News,

It is by the grace of God that I received Christ, knowing the truth and truth have set me free. Having known the truth I had no choice than to do what is Lawful and Right in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of God as a mercy and glory upon my life. I am Mrs. Marie Smith I am a Canadian citizen, 47 years Old. I reside here in Abbotsford, British Columbia. My residential address is as follows. 104-1909 Salton Rd Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me, I paid close to $41,000 while in Canada, trying to get my payment but all to no avail and they always stopped my funds with one reason or the order.

So I decided to travel with my daughter to WASHINGTON D.C with all my compensation documents, And I was directed by the (F B I) Director to contact Mr. Fred Walters, who is a representative of the FBI And I contacted him and he explained everything to me He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment. Right now I am the most happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds of $15, Million Us Dollars Moreover, Mr. Fred Walters, showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your name as one of the beneficiaries, and your email address, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money out of you. I will advise you to contact Mr. Fred Walters.

I will advise you to contact Mr. Fred Walters directly today on the information below to know if he can help you too.


Name: Mr. Fred Walters (FBI AGENT)
Email: agnt.fredwalters@cnegal.net

Note: am sending you this email because I don’t want you to be fooled anymore and because of the love I have for you and the love I have for all those innocent people been scammed day by day, by various scam artist claiming to be with their fund, You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in any way with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing.

The only money I paid after I met Mr. Fred Walters was just 329.03 Canadian Dollar (325.00 USD) for the Ownership Paper Works, take note of that.

Once again stop contacting those people, They are Criminals, Hoodlums so I will advise you to contact Mr. Fred Walters so that he can help you to deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction.

God Bless You.

Mrs. Marie Smith
Salton Rd Abbotsford,
British Columbia.

This email explains fully all you need to know about the job.

Hanson Building Materials America Inc.
1350 Campus Parkway, Suite 302
Neptune, New Jersey 07753

Pleasant day,
 If you have access to a computer, and have up to three hours spare time per-week. you can get paid. Would you like to work part or full time online, and get paid  weekly? If yes,then please read carefully.
Hanson Building Materials America Inc. is the third largest aggregates producer in the United States. Hanson Building's aggregates products--construction materials--include sand, gravel, limestone, asphalt, and ready-mixed concrete. The company also ranks as the largest producer of concrete pipes and precast concrete products in the United States and as the second largest brick manufacturer in the country.
We are currently seeking part or full time employees for our accounts receivable department.  Through extensive demographic research, we have discovered a wealth of untapped human resources that, for one reason or another, need the freedom to work from home.  If this sounds like you, please read on, and consider becoming part of our company.

As part of our ongoing Multi Level Marketing Network,we seek capable individuals to work for us as our representative.You can easily make USD700-USD2000 or more in a week by working for us as a Sub-contractor in your geographical location, you will be in charge of collecting payment on behalf of our affiliates and Small business organizations that are registered under us. Does it sound like your dream job? Well, it certainly is for 10,000+current members who are making reasonable income weekly online with this system.

Note that no form of investment of is needed from you and this job will take only 1-3 hours of your time per week.
The position of Accounts Receivable officer entails the following duties:  coordinate payments from our clients, receive payments which come in form of certified checks or united states postal money orders, process payments at your local bank, and forward funds received to a branch office, as you will be instructed.  10% of every payment processed is your wage.  Since this position is need-based, you will have plenty of free time while enjoying a good income.

To break it down, your job entails the following :
Receive payments on our behalf from our clients.
Process these payments at your bank.
Forward money after deducting your service charge(wage) as you will be instructed.
Every assignment in form of payment received from clients, you're entitled to 10% (your service charge) which excludes the charges of processing western union or wire fees to any regional office accountant.
Interested applicants should reply with
Full name
Full residential address
Phone numbers, and
Email address
So that our Human Resource Manager can contact you through email, with an approval letter if the management decides you're a successful candidate.  Please specify the best way to contact you in your reply email.

This email explains fully all you need to know about the job. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.

We appreciate your interest in Hanson Building Materials America Inc.

Gilbert Fryman.
Human Resources Department,
Hanson Building Materials America Inc.
1350 Campus Parkway, Suite 302
Neptune, New Jersey 07753

Hulp nodig.

Geachte klant ,

Wij hebben uw hulp nodig voor het oplossen van een probleem met betrekking
tot uw rekening.
Om ons de tijd te gunnen om samen te werken aan dit, we hebben tijdelijk
beperkt wat u kunt doen met uw rekening tot dat het probleem is opgelost.

Wij hebben enkele ongebruikelijke activiteit gemerkt op de creditcard dat
is gekoppeld aan uw rekening. voeling ons hier enfin.
